Aftercare: This program involves supervised study and recreation of various types. Children are expected to bring play clothes and a snack. It is only available to students currently registered at St. Ann School. Aftercare is available every day school is in session, from dismissal until 6:00 p.m. except on half days that begin a vacation and the last day of school.
Children must be signed out when they are picked up. This is a state law and is required for the safety of the children and for accurate record-keeping. Any special arrangements must be made in writing and delivered to the After Care administrator in advance,
Payment: For the 2024-2025 school year, St. Ann’s will offer three (3) payment options.
Plan A – FACTS automatic withdrawal: $10 per day per child (including half day dismissals). An agreement must be signed with FACTS Management for automatic withdrawal on the 20th of each month, beginning in September. The cost of the FACTS agreement is $45 per school year. For families who will have a tuition agreement with FACTS, and who will use the same bank account for Aftercare and Tuition withdrawals, there is NO additional cost for the Aftercare agreement . Use the chart to choose the option (1-4) which best reflects your estimated monthly AfterCare usage.
Plan B – Advance payment*: $10 per day per child (including half-day dismissals). Payments must be made directly to St. Ann School on the first of each month in advance of usage. Payments begin in September. There is no FACTS agreement for this option. Please estimate your usage and advance payment amount using the chart.
If payments are not received in advance by the due date, then the Aftercare rates for those months may be calculated at the higher pay-as-you-use rate (Plan C).
Plan C – Pay-As-You-Use*: Fee is $12 per day per child. $17 per day per child for half-day dismissal. There is no FACTS agreement for this option either. Payments must be made on a weekly basis.
Special Note: If you do not choose a payment plan, you will be enrolled under Plan C.
*All Aftercare accounts will be reviewed each month and payment reminders will be sent for those which are delinquent.
Late pick-up fee: $5 per child when picked up between 6:00 & 6:10pm. After that, $1 per child for each additional 5-minute interval.
“Average days of usage per month” in the chart below is per child. Please indicate your option choice and your total monthly payment amount on the enclosed Aftercare Payment Plan/Option Selection Form.
Avg. days of Usage and Withdrawal/Payment per Four(4) Week Month -
Plans A & B
Payment per Week -
Plan C
8 days/$80
12 days/$120
16 days/$160
20 days/$200
Delinquencies: An Aftercare account is delinquent five (5) days after the due date. Delinquent accounts will be reviewed by the Business Office. If parents fail to cooperate, their child(ren) will be removed from the Aftercare program until account has been paid in full. A late fee ($25 or 5% of the delinquent amount) may be applied to all delinquent accounts after the 5-day grace period. An NSF charge of $25 will be applied for all returned checks.
Please make all checks/money orders payable to St. Ann Church. Payments should be mailed or hand-delivered to the parish office or to the school. Please write the name(s) of your child(ren) on your check(s)/money order(s) and on the envelope you use. Include your parish ID/envelope number for prompt processing. If you do not know your ID/envelope number, please call the parish office at (302)654-5519.
Credit Adjustments for actual usage will be made/issued annually.